If you haven't stopped in to Lake Bluff Dental Care or you did not even know there was a dental office there, you must take a stroll and see all the wonderful updates, signage and decorations that are representative of each holiday we are heading toward.

This office has been a dental office for over 60 years, but only recently with Dr. Linda Salmon's special touches and signage have the locals been able to realize it is a Dental Office.

Dr. Salmon has been a dentist for almost 30 years and she has been in dentistry for almost 40 years. She started in high school and found her passion in dentistry. She has worked with all types of specialists and she has seen almost everything possible in dentistry. She is amazing at diagnosing any dental problems or issues you may have or even directing you to someone who can help you.  She works very closely with many specialists in the area who have a high regard for Dr. Salmon's dental history and wealth of knowledge.

Lake Bluff Dental Care needed a woman dentist to give it that special warmth it was lacking.

She stays at the top of dentistry by attending many hours of dental continuing education every month.  She makes sure that the office is on the cutting edge of dentistry to give her patients the very latest and the best care in dentistry. She is amazing, efficient and painless.

Dr. Salmon and her wonderful staff have terrific chairside manner. The staff will help you relax. They can put on any music that you would like to hear while you are in for a dental procedure. Give you a blanket, headphones, ear plugs, anything to make you more comfortable. Just ask. 

Dr. Salmon likes to make sure all her patients feel like family and freinds.

We have made the office cheery and happy. Please stop in to say hello and see all our changes.

We hope to see you soon and that you will join our dental family-if you haven't already. Call 847-234-0557